Science Technology in the Field of Medicine
Making Life Wonderful Again… [Part 2]
Your Mind’s Picture of Your Body, the Puzzle Piece to Movement….
We know that to visualize things with our minds causes us to formulate pictures, puzzle pieces we call them, of a much bigger completed outcome within the thought processes. I found it interesting to read the following from this article describing how scientists were able to transfer the brain’s thoughts; something which is un-seen and un-tangible at the physical level, into something tangible at the physical level…
Scientist explained that below the level of the amputee’s consciousness, lived an intact complete image of that arm, this sub-conscious image is called a phantom. When the patient thinks about flexing the elbow, the phantom image moves its elbow. With that mind picture occurring within the thought of movement, impulses begin racing down from the patient’s brain and are picked up by the electrode sensors of the prosthetic which then convert into signals that turn motors causing the artificial elbow to bend.
Other areas of bionic advancements include Cochlear implants. These implants stimulate nerves inside the inner ear, allowing people with severe to profound deafness to hear… American Sign Language (A.S.L.) is the third most used language in the entire world! Just think now the huge Deaf population has a choice of hearing offered to them with this new technology!
Bone Integration…In 2006, I received a crushed foot injury with torn ligaments to the ankle. At one point I thought I was going to loose my foot. However I felt that I had hope; and because I desired to stop the constant pain of my injury; I wanted a prosthetic limb, what is called a “Sparky.” This current prosthetic’s name is short for “Spring Ankle with Regenerative Kinetics.” It uses a motor and spring to assist ambulation with a powered push off in gait. Newer studies on this device are considering attaching prosthesis to residual bone to give the needed support for ambulation; then artificial skin could be used to cover the area to prevent infection caused by prosthetic wear contact (a common occurrence in the usage of prosthetics).
The Gift of Sight…
This is truly amazing, modern technology in the field of orbital bionics has begun the development of an integrated video camera, transmitter, and receiver vision integration which consists of a belt worn video computer which converts video to a simplified signal. This signal is then sent to a transmitter which sends the signal wirelessly to an implant in the eye. Then, this implant (the receiver) sends the signal to the optic nerve’s electrode array which stimulates the retina of the eye. Having received this stimulation, the optic nerve carries the signal from the retina to the brain, which perceives the visual patterns corresponding to the electrodes that are being stimulated.
These developments could easily have come right out of the pages of Mark Hamilton’s writings in his Miss. Annabelle story. This is truly amazing to me in that, even though we know our Neothink® world is yet to develop fully; today higher consciousness types of technological advancements, and thoughts of innovative creations as described in the Miss Annabelle story are taking place in our time!
This really excites me…
With the advancements in Bionic Limb Replacement, the medical profession can now utilize these advancements to enhance the lives of many amputees that perhaps at some point had lost hope of ever living a normal life. We know that the purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. These advancements make that possible for many today.
Mark Hamilton writes on the topic of Universal Health, “The new technologies, racing ahead in all industries, will especially race ahead in the medical industry without the destructive cost-prohibitive FDA regulations holding the geniuses back. The geniuses will eradicate disease after disease, and their soaring new technologies will drive down medical costs. People will live with increasingly better healthy for increasingly longer lives. Today, the Future is Here!
Thank you,

Bionic Arm from the January 2010 Edition of National Geographic
Someone something said, in the bible said Do not make human. Again to me I think Bible is making mistake!!! Like you said about foot. anyone can happen lost their own limb or support.. is what they need new parts to help them as human begin again, Wink!
Lots of Deaf people are fear of cochlear implant because they includes me being Deaf for very long time. And just me– I will allow for Neothink test me a new technology other than cochlear implants, Wink! Because this Cochlear implants are not safe, it happen one of deaf’s friend lost their friend by kill him and he just sit in the car and it went to passing something metal with the radar actives and now.. I am sure cochlear implants will lost their business, there is no way for us to try this type of implants. But Neothink had any better idea and safer than cochlear implant then I will welcome them to try me.. My hear seem off and on on my life but it was not on this planet and I know, I have heard from another dimension most of my life. When I was younger always heard some type of rings, sometime ring bells and most of time are music… rare is talking but I do not know what they talk about. I believe that cochlear implant will stop us from find out what is ahead of something, Wink! PV
In the 80’s I attended a confrence where blind people could see colors, just by thinking about the color infront of them on a card. They were not told the color verbally. A card with the color blue was presented before them and they responded “blue,” being totally blind. There is a part of our brain that see’s and hears, even when it is physically immpossible.